Off-Field Team Manager Guide Overview
The Off-Field Manager works closely with the Head Coach is responsible for acting as a liaison between the coaches and the parents, ensure all team paperwork is correct and submitted on time and ensuring/tracking volunteer commitments for your team.
The Off-Field Team Manager is responsible for uniform pick-up (all divisions) and jersey tracking, pick-up and returns (Minor to Senior ONLY). They must also ensure all uniform-related paperwork is accurate and submitted to NWLL.
The Off-Field manager is also responsible for ensuring volunteers are available to scorekeep and pitch count at each game, and maintaining the team pitch-count logbook, which must be at every game and made available for review upon request by any opposing team, umpire or NWLL Coordinator and/or Board of Director. This person must also maintain and track the team volunteer log.

Roles and Responsibilities
- Team communication
- Liaison between the coaches and the parents
- Enter game and practice schedules into TeamSnap
- Games must be entered as a "game" in TeamSnap to access the scoring and pitch counting capabilities
- Practices and other events are entered as an "event"
- Field Preparation
- Coordinating parents to complete field preparation and cleanup
- The home team is responsible for setting up the diamond (line the baselines with chalk, set-up bases, make sure pitching mound is in good shape)
- The visiting team is responsible for clean-up of the diamond (put away bases, rake the baselines and other major divots, rake mound and cover with tarp)
- For interlock teams, the home team does ALL field set-up/clean-up. When you are the visiting team, you enjoy the benefit of the home team prepping/cleaning the fields
- Bases stay at the diamonds in the equipment bin
- Coordinating parents to complete field preparation and cleanup
- Scorekeeping
- Ensure that for each game there is a scorekeeper
- Teach other parents (who want to learn) how to keep score (here is a great video to teach parents how to scorekeep)
- During gameplay, the home team is the “official” scorekeeper and must ensure the score sheet is correct
- It is recommended that the team which is visiting also keep score
- Pitch Count
- Ensure that for each game there is a pitch-counter
- Teach other parents (who want to learn) how to pitch count
- During gameplay, the visiting team is the “official” pitch counter
- It is recommended that the team who is home also keep count pitches
- Pitch Count Sheet
- Pitching Log
- At the end of each game, you must complete the pitching log and have the other team coach/manager sign it
- Ensure you have a pitch count, the full name of the player, player number, and baseball age
- Calculate how many days rest the player requires and the next available day to pitch
- Be sure to inform Coach if they are attempting to pitch an ineligible player before the start of the game
- Check the opposing teams log before the game
- This tracking tool is to ensure the safety of all players in the league
- Pitching Eligibility Tracking Form
- Game stat tracking in TeamSnap
- The final score and pitch count for your team must be entered into TeamSnap within 24 hours of the completion of the game
- Use this how-to document to learn how to enter in game stats
- Volunteer Tracking
- Track volunteer hours in scorekeeping, pitch count, field prep, snacks, uniform day, spring clean-up, etc
- Volunteer Tracking Spreadsheet
- Uniforms
- Managers will pick up uniforms and jerseys for the team on Uniform/Jersey Pick Up Day
- Off-Field Team Managers (Minor to Senior Only) will return Jerseys on hangers and in a garment bag together
- Failure to return jerseys will result in invoice a Jersey Deposit fee to the family
- Fill in and submit jersey tracking and return sheet with jerseys
- Jersey Tracking Sheet helps you keep track of who has what jersey
- Weather Cancellations
- Cancellations for T-Ball, Coach Pitch, Minors and Majors will be decided by the Board
- Cancellatiosn for Interlock teams (Majors, Intermediate, Junior, Senior) are decided by coaches and communicated directly to teams.
- Weather cancellations will be communicated via TeamSnap; they will also be posted on Instagram and Facebook.
- It may be helpful to also send a TeamSnap alert for any parents who have our emails ending up in spam folders